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Our CBSE School Laboratories

Biology lab equippment - skull, human body
Students are Learn in Chemistry Lab

Chemistry lab

The Chemistry lab at Anand Niketan School, is well equipped with all modern apparatus. It is spacious, well lit and has a capacity to students.

The work area is in form of slabs and each student has an access to a burner and all reagents and chemicals used during experiments. Adequate Safety measures have been taken care of with fire extinguishers and an emergency door.

Students are guided by qualified teachers and a lab assistant to perform experiments.

A Student show in microscope

Biology Lab

This lab is equipped with well-equipped instruments, microscopes, computer and it gives relevant information about the unicellular and multicellular organisms by keeping the specimens of all multicellular organisms.
Step into the realm of microscopic wonders as you investigate the intricate structures and functions of unicellular organisms. Through engaging experiments and interactive sessions, students gain invaluable insights into the fundamental building blocks of life, fostering a deeper appreciation for the complexities of biological systems. Join us in the Biology Lab and embark on an exciting journey of scientific inquiry and exploration
Students hold the water turbine working model

Physics Lab

A Physics lab aids a student in establishing the relevance of the theory. It brings clarity in the mind of the students regarding the basic concept of the subject.

Students understand the difference between theory and application. Physics laboratory helps a student in improvising their approach towards the subject.

Experiments carried out in Physics laboratories helps students in learning how to be patient and careful while taking observation and hitherto calculating inference.

Research is everything in science without research science would get stagnated and it is here in Physics lab that a student learns what it is to be a researcher.

Computer Lab

Computer Lab

Our state-of-the-art Computer Lab is a dynamic hub designed to foster digital literacy and ignite your creativity. Equipped with the latest technology, software, and peripherals, it’s the perfect environment for hands-on learning and exploration.

Here, you’ll gain essential computer skills, delve into advanced applications, and collaborate on multimedia projects. Whether researching online, coding programs, or creating digital masterpieces, the lab provides the resources and support to help you thrive in our increasingly digital world.

Join us and embark on a journey of discovery. The Computer Lab isn’t just about technology – it’s about fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and preparing you for success in a connected world.

Battery Car

Robotic Lab

Our Robotics Lab is no ordinary space – it’s a launchpad for innovation! Equipped with cutting-edge programmable robots and specialized software, it’s a playground where creativity meets engineering.

Here, you’ll dive into the world of robotics, learning to design, build, and program your own creations. Through hands-on projects and challenges, you’ll not only develop problem-solving and teamwork skills but also gain a deep understanding of core STEM concepts.

The Robotics Lab isn’t just about building robots – it’s about building the future. Join us on a journey of discovery, where imagination fuels innovation and equips you with the skills and confidence to tackle real-world challenges in our ever-evolving technological landscape.

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